Management Organises Promotion Workshop for Non-Teaching Staff of Berekum College of Education

In fulfilling its dedication and commitment to the career advancement and professional development it's staff, The Management of Berekum College of Education in collaboration with it's mentor institution, the University of Cape Coast, has organised a workshop on staff promotion for the Non-Teaching Staff of the college. Held on Thursday, May 16 2024 for both Senior and Junior staff, the resource person and facilitator of the workshop, Mr. Isaac Adom Konadu, started the training after a brief official address and opening by the College Principal, Mr. Sylvester Donkoh. Organised in three sessions, the first session captured the breakdown and overview of the criteria for staff promotion. This highlighted all the units and departments that make up the Non-Teaching front with an in-depth walkthrough of the various ranks as well as the general processes and requirements needed for promotion from one rank to the next.

Berekum College of Education

Mr. Isaac Adom Konadu

These requirements and processes may include years of working experience on the current rank, achievements and academic or professional qualifications etc. After a short discussion and break, the second session followed with a presentation on effective communication tools in an administrative set-up laying much emphasis on three major tools. The facilitator duly ellaborated on step-by-step basis how to piece these communication tools together and the relevance of using:

  1. Memorandum as a brief written document to convey information or request action on a specific matter within an institution
  2. Position papers to present a clear and persuasive argument, position or perspective on a particular topic or issue, and
  3. Report writing to present information, analysis and findings on a specific topic, situation, project or an assigned task.

As an experienced professional in this field serving as the Deputy Registrar & Head of Senior Members Section at UCC, Mr. Adom Konadu gave an insightful rendition on the preparation of curriculum vitae (CV) with a careful explanation to the various sections and how crucial their roles are in conveying accurate information about and individual to a desired audience.
Using his CV template which has been vetted and approved for use as the standard for the University of Cape Coast, the facilitator explained each section of the curriculum vitae from personal to academic or professional qualification information to work and educational history etc. After which he stressed on the importance of understanding why a CV is prepared and for what purpose. He also touched on the roles these documents play in the staff promotion processes and procedures.

He then shared his insights and achievements in this field after a brief forum on the subject matter. The principal then gave his closing remarks and appreciated the resource person and his team together the staff of berekum college of education for making a training a success after imploring them to make use of this acquired knowledge to ensure smooth promotion and transition.

Scenes from the Workshop

Berekum College of Education

Interactive session

Berekum College of Education

Section of Staff

Berekum College of Education

Opening Session

Berekum College of Education

Activity Period